Window Theory for Forex is a statistically-based
financial theory for success in foreign exchange investing. The stalwart parameters set forth in the
theory are based on the historical highs and lows of currency pairs. Successful application of the theory lies in
the behaviors of the investor towards risk tolerance, practiced disciplined
investing, and managing short-term losses for long-term gains, which are
learned processes for each investor.
This paper begins with the basics of foreign exchange for beginners and
is presented in layman’s terms. The
methodologies presented in the application of Window Theory for Forex were
based on four years’ research experience.
The outcomes suggest a doubling of account balances about once every six
months from disciplined trading behaviors that include increasing the amount of
trades to sustain the doubling momentum.
Foreign exchange investing is a volatile and risky venture that should
only be entered with disposable capital. It is possible to lose more than the original investment from rapid
price fluctuations.
JEL classification numbers: E22
Keywords: FOREX, financial theory, investments, foreign
currency trading