Journal of Finance and Investment Analysis

The Comparative Financial Managerial Performance of U.S. Firms and Chinese Firms

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  • Abstract

    This paper evaluates the relative financial managerial performance of thirty matched-pairs of U.S. firms and Chinese (CN) firms. In this study, financial managerial performance is measured in terms of profitability, debt management, and asset management. Paired comparison is employed and eight hypotheses are tested on the basis of defined ratios. Because matched pairs are used, an appropriate test is the Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranked test. All the data for the study were compiled by the author from Mergent on Line. These include the most recent five-year time-series data that were available in 2012 for all the eight ratios that were tested. The analysis presented in this paper indicates the absence of any statistically significant differences between the two sets of firms with regard to most of the ratios examined, suggesting that the U.S and the Chinese firms are similar to each other with respect to their financial managerial performance. The only exception is that CN firms have higher return on equity (ROE) ratios than the United States firms.