The numerical analysis of four dynamic large-scale field tests
conducted at LKAB Kiirunavaara mine are presented in this paper. The aim was to
numerically study the behavior and response of the burden and the tested walls
in field Tests 1, 2, 4 and 5. For this purpose, two numerical methods were
combined, i.e. the finite element code LS-DYNA and the distinct element code
UDEC. The LS-DYNA was used to calculate the blast load, and the UDEC was used
to propagate the calculated load in the model where the geological conditions
of the test site and the installed rock support in the field tests were
modelled. The model was calibrated by comparing the velocity and displacement
calculated on the surface of the opening, and the zones yielded in tension were
used to study the failure mechanism developed in the burden. The numerical
models were able to mimic the behavior of the jointed rock mass and the rock
support fairly well. It is concluded that the number of major joint sets was
the main reason to the difference between the failure development in Tests 1
and 2 and Tests 4 and 5. The numerical analysis of Tests 1 and 2 confirmed that
the gas pressure in the vicinity of the test wall in those tests was minimum.
In Tests 4 and 5, it was observed that, the generated fractures in the burden
combined with the natural joint condition of the burden, increased the
possibility for blocks to rotate and move within the burden. The complete
burden damage in Tests 4 and 5 was concluded to be the be due to the ejection
of rock blocks in the vicinity of the test wall upon the arrival of stress
wave, and ejection of the remaining portion of the rock blocks in the burden by
the gas expansion.
Keywords: UDEC, LS-DYNA, Numerical analysis, Large-scale tests, Rock