The aim of this article was to find potential
connection between positive experiences from ICT training courses gained by
teachers and multipliers and their ability to affect elderly peoples
willingness to learn ICT skills and motivate them for future participation in
ICT training courses through motivational workshops. Within the study the
authors focus on the evaluation of the ICT training courses for teachers and
multipliers and the motivational workshops for the elderly. The data obtained
was quantitative and analyzed using SPSS software. The authors found a
significant correlation between the number of possibilities for discussion
provided during the ICT training courses for teachers and multipliers and the
opinion that, from an overall perspective, the course helped the participants
to be more sensitized to intergenerational issues and so understand the elderly
people better. Similarly, the authors found significant correlation between the
number of discussion possibilities during the motivational workshops for
elderly and the level of interest in participation in future ICT training
courses. The study showed that individuals who work in a teaching/learning
process with elderly people need to be properly trained to be able to transfer
knowledge and motivation to the elderly. Motivational workshops for the elderly
should focus on individualized learning methods which positively affect
elderly‟s future motivation to learn ICT skills.