Journal of Applied Medical Sciences

The Electronic Medical Record (EMR)

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  • Abstract

    The electronic medical record (EMR) comprises a system of recording, processing, storing, recording and transferring health information electronically. Through the use of the EMR, several limitations that are associated with the paper-based medical record system are clearly overcome. For example, in contrast to the paper record, the EMR can play a larger role in medical decision-making, integrating the services of various departments, customizing care to the patients, reducing medical errors, improving quality, reducing costs, etc. In addition, the EMR can effectively help to transfer patient information from one organization to another and in this way help in referrals and improving the access to healthcare. This article examines the problems associated with the implementation of EMR systems, and later discusses the uses of EMRs and its benefits. If EMR system is implemented and used properly, it will help in the improvement of community health.