Modeling and forecasting time series data has primary
significance to numerous practical areas. Numerous significant models have been
proposed in texts for enlightening the correctness and effectiveness of
modeling and predicting time series data. The goal of this work is to discovery
an appropriate model to forecast time series data. Firstly, we applied the most
popular multivariate time series model is Vector Autoregressive model, with its
frequently used four criteria of VAR order selection such as AIC, HQ, SC and
FPE, and the asymptotic Portmanteau test
of VAR order selection. We also checked the accuracy of forecast performance
based on impulse response function. Secondly, we applied the most popular time
series modeling and forecasting machine learning techniques, such as artificial
neural network and support vector machine. In this study, we applied the three
multivariate time series models, viz. VAR, ANN and SVM, compared together with
their inherent forecasting strengths based on the five forecast performance
measures: mean squared error, mean absolute deviation, root mean squared error,
mean absolute percentage error and Theil’s U-statistics. Finally, we found that
the artificial neural network, time series modeling and forecasting machine
learning technique, is the best technique for time series modeling and
Keywords: Forecasting, VAR, ANN, SVM, Forecast Performance
Mathematics Subject
Classification: 60G10, 60G15, 82C05, 53A17