Navier-Stokes equations, which describe flows of fluids and gases, possess
hidden properties that are discovered when studying the consistency of the conservation
law equations involved into the set of Navier-
Stokes equations. Under such an investigation one obtains a nonidentical evolutionary
relation for entropy as a state functional. This relation discloses
peculiarities of the solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations due to which the
Navier-Stokes equations can describe not only the change of physical quantities
(such as energy, pressure, density) but also processes such as origination of
waves, turbulent pulsations. From the evolutionary relation it follows that the
Navier-Stokes equations possess solutions of two types, namely, the solution
that is not a function and the solution that is a discrete function. The
solutions of the first type are defined on nonintegrable manifold (like a tangent
one) and describe the non-equilibrium state of a flow. And the solutions of the
second type are defined on integrable structure and describe the locally
equilibrium state of a flow. The transition from the solutions of the first
type to ones of the second type describes the process of origination of
turbulence. These results are obtained due to the skew-symmetric forms the
basis of which are nonintegrable manifolds.