Journal of Applied Finance & Banking

Mergers and Acquisitions and how they affect the Labor productivity. Evidence from the Greek Banking system

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  • Abstract


    This paper aims to study the Labor Productivity of the four Greek Systemic Banks after all Mergers and Acquisitions, with the use of human financial ratios for the implementation of the Euro in Greece during the time period 2002-2017.The four Greek Systemic Banks, which are the major credit institutions of the country and were created during the economic crisis and strengthened after continuous acquisitions and mergers, led to the need to measure employee productivity in order to determine whether there is improvement or deterioration following the Mergers and Acquisitions that they have made. In particular, this paper presents and analyzes the systemic banks of the country before and after the economic crisis as well as the Mergers and Acquisitions that took place in the period 2012-2013. Continuing, it discusses and presents the framework of labor productivity as well as the financial ratios that will be used to measure the bank productivity of labor, the results of which will be analyzed and compared with better productivity among the banks examined.Finally, conclusions will be drawn to answer the question of whether labor productivity increases or reductions are achieved following Mergers & Acquisitions transactions carried out by Greek systemic banks. 

    JEL classification numbers: G21, G34, O4, F65

    Keywords: Banks, Mergers & Acquisitions, Productivity, Ratios Financial Analysis