Journal of Statistical and Econometric Methods

Death from Stroke during the Danish malnutrition period 1999-2007

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  • Abstract

    Data from the Danish Health and Medicines Authority (Statens Serum Institut) show that Denmark had a problem around 2003 with malnutrition among old people. Malnutrition is classified as a cause of death; however, it also indirectly causes an increasing number of deaths due to other diseases that it provokes. Based on Danish experiences from 1994 to 2012, this article shows a close association between the death rate from malnutrition and the death rate from stroke (apoplexy) in the same period. The death rate from malnutrition during the Danish malnutrition period 1999 to 2007 thus underestimates the total effect of malnutrition on the death rate. Using the death rate from malnutrition as indicator, the article shows the association between malnutrition and the death rate from stroke depending on age group, gender, and time (medical development).