Prior studies have documented that
risk-taking behavior is a determinant of firm-level corporate governance.
However, the country-level corporate governance to risk-taking behavior has not
been well examined. The main topic of this study not only intends to examine
the relation between corporate governance and risk taking behavior but also
investigates whether this relation can be influenced by the economic freedom.
Using a sample of 552 EU life insurers over 1995–2016 periods, consistent with
the expectation, the results support that insurers with good corporate
governance tend to take risk-taking, and those with higher economic freedom
dependence tend to maintain higher risk-taking. In addition, firms in high
economic freedom countries have more opportunities to take risk, further have
significant negatively relationship between country-level risk-taking behavior
and shareholder ownership concentration. Given that better corporate governance
is instrumental in taking risk, firms in high economic freedom countries have
more opportunities to risk taking.
JEL classification numbers: G22, G32
Keywords: Corporate
Governance, Economic Freedom, Risk-taking Behavior.