The purpose of this study is to find out
the current situation of OH nurses’ workload and associating factors. The study
was conducted with a web questionnaire with an open question. According to the
results a total of 285 OH nurses participated in the survey. Almost half (45%)
of occupational health nurses felt overloaded at least somewhat and about
one-third (32%) a lot or too much. Most (63%) of the OH nurses felt that they
are overloaded because of the work content. The most frequently workload
factors related to the content of work were continuous learning demands and
changes at work (17%), demanding clients (17%) and economic pressure (14 %).
Due to this study our conclusion is that the most of OH nurses reported felt
overloaded at their work. The results highlighted factors that could be
addressed to improve OH nurses’ well-being at work and provided useful
information for the development of OH nurses' working conditions.
Occupational health, occupational health nurse,