This paper focuses on the impact of
economic policy uncertainty on international asset allocation and international
capital flows. Our results show that economic policy uncertainty shocks have a
negative impact on the international asset allocation, which can be explained
from the real economic activity channel and the expectation channel. We also
explore a full fledge of country level heterogeneities about the economic
policy uncertainty shocks on international asset allocation. Specifically, good
institutional quality, transparent information, good information access to the
international financial market and bilateral informational link help to
alleviate the negative effect that economic policy uncertainty shock does to
asset allocation. And a healthy public and external sector also help to
alleviate the negative effect. While the importance of government in the
economy amplifies the negative effect of economic policy uncertainty shocks to
asset allocation.
JEL classification numbers: E44, G11, G15.
Keywords: Economic policy uncertainty,
Global fund allocation, Institutional quality, Global imbalance.