This paper is concerned with the behavior
of energy ETF prices. It applies three models: autoregressive moving average
(ARMA) and generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH),
along with their revised forms, ARMA–Exponential-GARCH,
Glosten-Jagannathan-Runkle (GJR), and GARCH diffusion process with jump models.
This study looks at the volatility behavior and jumps dynamics of Energy and
Master Limited Partnership's (MLP) ETFs. The results show that ARMA-GARCH is
appropriate for modeling energy and MLP ETFs. Both ETFs offer positive leverage
and asymmetric volatility. The results show that the jump model with a GARCH
volatility specification has an actual amount of jump presence and time
variation in the jump size distribution. The conclusion of the ARMA - EGARCH
model gives evidence of the reverse leverage effect. The leverage term
positively influences the conditional variance, while the asymmetry coefficient
for the GJR model is positive and significant. These results reveal that both
Energy and MLPs ETF have high volatility.
JEL classification numbers: F3.
Energy ETFs, MLPs, ARMA-GARCH model, Volatility
Asymmetry, Leverage and Jump Effect.