This paper aims to analyze the impact of
interest rate, exchange rate, and market on the returns and volatility of the stocks
of banks listed on the Brazilian Stock Exchange. This analysis used two
statistical models: the linear model estimated using Ordinary Least Squares and
the ARCH/GARCH time series volatility models. The econometric studies
considered the daily data of 15 financial institutions listed on the stock
exchange during the period from January 2009 to December 2021. Regarding the
market effect, the Ibovespa index for the period was considered; for the
interest rate, the CDI (Certificate of Interbank Deposit) was used; and, about
the exchange rate, the dollar rate was adopted as a reference. The results
indicate that the distribution of stock returns is asymmetrical, with an
elongated tail on the right. It was observed, based on the econometric model
applied, that the daily returns of the shares are significantly influenced by
the market, and the interest rate exerts the least impact on the returns. These
findings are relevant to the scientific community exploring the topic and
provide valuable insights for bankers, analysts, market investors, regulatory
authorities, and society in the decision-making process.
JEL classification numbers: C32, G00, G21.
Keywords: Banking, Interest rates, Exchange rate, Bank stocks.