Although ESG (Environmental, Social, and
Governance) research on companies and investment portfolios is widespread, most
of data and research is from established companies, driven by the increasing
societal emphasis on sustainability and adherence to evolving compliance
standards. However, there is a lack of ESG-focused studies on early-stage venture
capital. This study seeks to fill the gap in research on the ESG maturity of
start-ups by surveying 225 start-ups in the portfolio of a UK-based venture
capital, thereby providing a unique insight into the overall awareness of ESG
among start-ups by presenting genuine samples. The findings provide
implementation advice on optimal approaches to incorporate ESG issues into
venture capital, and improve and leverage the dynamic between venture capital
and start-ups to influence start-ups to adopt and comply with ESG integration.
JEL classification numbers: C42, G11, G24, G38,
Keywords: ESG, Venture
capital, Start-up, United Kingdom.