Journal of Earth Sciences and Geotechnical Engineering

Laboratory Studies on the Influence of Crude Oil Spillage on Lateritic SoilShear Strength: A Case Study of Niger Delta Area of Nigeria

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  • Abstract

    Short term laboratory studies on the influence of crude oil spillage on lateritic soil shear strength were performed for a period of six months. Two samples of lateritic soil were investigated, samples A and B (uncontaminated and contaminated). Soil sample B contains 10% by weight (10kg) of crude oil. Sieve analysis, Atterberg limits, compaction test and shear strength tests were performed for a period of 168 days. The results of the shear strength test for sample A showed that the values of its cohesion ( 𝐤𝐍/𝐦2 ) and angle of internal friction (°) are 51 and 14 for the 7th day test period respectively. For soil sample B, the value of cohesion ( 𝐤𝐍/𝐦2 ) decreased from 49 for a 7th day test period to 44 in the 168th day test period while the corresponding values of the angle of internal friction (°) decreased from 11.0 to 7.0. Important geotechnical parameters measured for other tests performed were also affected as a result of the spill. The observed reduction in the shear strength parameters indicates that the vestige of crude oil had appreciable effects on soil shear strength.