This study investigates the spillover effects of the
herding behavior of institutional investors in industries using the new
spillover index. We further examine the lead-lag relationship between the
herding spillover index and stock market. Finally, this paper furthers our
understanding of the momentum strategy in industries. The empirical evidence
indicates that industry herding in terms of semi-conductor manufacturing has
had a significant impact on other types of industry herding. Second, since the
industry herding spillover index and the selling industry herding spillover index
have led to stock index returns, we conjecture that the industry herding
spillover effect is a predicate to stock returns. Finally, the results support
the claim that an institutional investor is an industry momentum trader.
Moreover, we find that a long position in relation to higher or lower herding
winners and a short position in relation to low herding losers yields good
subsequent returns.
JEL classification numbers: G02; G23
Keywords: Industry herding, Spillover Index, Momentum