International Journal Of Occupational Health and Public Health Nursing

Day Care Anaesthesia; a Prospective Single-Centre Study Day Care Anaesthesia

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    The development of anesthetic agents, the management of acute pain, as well as the progress of monitoring, training, patient’ s pain assessment and the development of perioperative care are the main reasons for providing safer anesthesia to day care centers. Aim of this study was to present anesthesia parameters including patient demographics, type of anesthesia, drugs and the appearance of postoperative complications associated with anesthesia in a day care center. A descriptive study of the parameters of anesthesia (drugs, type of anesthesia and complications) in a day care center from February 2018 to May 2018. Four hundred & forty-nine interventions, minimally and medium surgeries with duration 30 to 120min, breast biopsy, lymph node biopsy, breast reconstruction, inguinal hernia repair as well as hysteroscopy & diagnostic abrasion. Of the total of 449 interventions, 201 were made with general anesthesia and endotracheal intubation, 76 with general anesthesia and laryngeal mask & 69 with neuroleptanalgesic. Prevention of nausea / vomiting occurred in 208 patients with ondansetron-ranitidine-metoclopramide-droperidol, while in 189 patients with ondosetron-ranitidine-metoclopramide. Upon awakening, 16 patients experienced cough, 3 bronchospasm & 2 deliriums. Day care centers have been established in developed countries, ensuring shorter hospitalizations, while anesthesia is safe for the patient.

    Keywords: Day care anaesthesia; nausea/vomiting; day care surgery