Journal of Computations & Modelling

Finite Volume Modelling of Carbon Monoxide from Vehicular Emissions at Oshodi Market in Lagos Metropolis of Nigeria

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  • Abstract

    A two-dimensional finite volume mathematical model has been developed to predict the concentration of carbon monoxide emission from idling vehicles at traffic hold-ups. The results of the developed model equation which was solved using MATLAB programme show a similar pattern for the longitudinal and lateral concentration distribution at varying time and wind velocities. The CO concentration increases as emission time increases for both directions while the concentration decreases as the wind velocity increases. The longitudinal concentration of CO was found to increase from 0.00787 mg/m3, at 5 minutes of continuous emission to 07281 mg/m3 after one hour (60 minutes) of continuous emission. It could be inferred from the results that traders as well as pedestrians and those living in the vicinity of the ever busy Oshodi market are daily exposed to high concentration of lethal CO emission as traffic hold-up at that area of Lagos metropolis spans hours daily.