Journal of Computations & Modelling

Numerical Simulation of Tsunami Wave Propagation In Indian Ocean

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  • Abstract

    This paper aims to simulate the Tsunami wave propagation in Indian Ocean. The simulation is done using OPENGL (Open Graphics Library) in Linux. The Analysis area covers from 8.15 degrees (-ve North) to 26 degrees (+ve north) and 71.72 degrees (+ve East) to 104.78 degrees (+ ve East). The Bathymetry data and Grid map are derived from GEBCO (General Bathy-metric Chart Of Oceans). The Bathymetric Grid Map is divided in the form of Grids. The Grid Map using OPENGL is scaled, transformed and displaced to get the depth value corresponding to the point which is assumed as epicentre. It is found that the major factors which influence the travel pattern of the wave are depth profile of the Ocean, boundary effects and wave reflections. The other factors which also play a vital role while generating the boundary effects are the momentum and the dispersion of the Tsunami wave when it propagates.