Journal of Applied Medical Sciences

Noncommunicable Chronic Diseases, Life Habits and Sedentary Lifestyle in Black Women

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  • Abstract


    We studied 100, 19 to 67 years old black women living in the cities of Três Lagoas–MS (n = 64) and Americana–SP (n = 36). A questionnaire with open and closed questions was developed and applied. Measurements of height, weight, blood pressure, waist and hip circumferences were performed. The body mass index (BMI) was also calculated. Mean blood pressure levels presented little elevation, while body mass index (BMI) results pointed to obesity. Noncommunicable chronic diseases were highly prevalent in the evaluated black women, with obesity and hypertension showing the highest percentages. Regarding body parameters, access to physical education classes and physical activities, representative morphological images 02 and 03 were the most chosen, corresponding to overweight and obesity, 64% said they did not like their bodies, 72% did not have access to physical education classes, and 88% were sedentary lifestyle. Through the results we conclude that black women are more affected by chronic noncommunicable diseases, have little access to what we term better quality of life, and have very high levels of sedentary. There is a need for greater investment in ethnic-racial research in Brazil.


    Keywords: Black Women. Noncommunicable Chronic Diseases. Life Habits. Sedentary Lifestyle.