Journal of Applied Medical Sciences

The Effect of a Lipolytic Cream, Massage, Exercise and Nutrition on Cellulite

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  • Abstract

    Four groups of subjects participated in a single blinded randomized protocol to see if a diet rich in antioxidants, massage, a lipolytic cream and exercise could reduce cellulite in women. Numerous techniques have claimed to reduce cellulite but results have varied due to the fact that cellulite is also caused by subcutaneous lymph edema in fat. This study used lymph edema massage techniques with a lipolytic cream to reduce cellulite assessed by imaging ultrasound. The subjects were 20-50 years old and free of cardiovascular disease. Two groups of subjects were controls that did not change their diet or exercise and only measurements were made and 2 were treatment groups. One used a lipolytic cream for 2 weeks with diet and exercise the second used cream plus exercise plus diet with massage 3 times per week. The results showed that antioxidants in the diet plus massage plus diet and exercise showed the greatest reduction in cellulite. There was a significant reduction in cellulite seen here in both groups using a system of a lipolytic cream and exercise, diet and massage for peak effectiveness. Ultrasound was very effective and correlated well to photos for assessing the reduction in cellulite.