This paper investigates the determinants
of UK corporate cash holdings during the period 1980-2012. The global and long
term phenomenon of corporate cash pilling has drawn significant attention from
researchers. Similarly, this study aims at shedding light on the empirical
relationship between cash holding and specific firm characteristics. The
empirical findings suggest that cash holdings are positively related to
investment opportunity, as R&D and market to book ratio. Cash ratio is also
positively related to industry cash flow volatility and negatively affected by
cash flow, net working capital, capital expenditures, leverage, tax expenses,
age and size. Regarding the development of the determinants of cash holdings,
the study indicates that three major variables influenced cash holdings over
the years of analysis. In particular, leverage, tax regime and capital
expenditures significantly affect the corporate liquidity in UK market.
Furthermore, the results suggest that cash holdings are mostly defined by trade
off theory. Indeed, our findings offer stimulating insights on the factors that
determine the firms’ cash holdings during the past three decades.