More than 25 thousand Chinese listed companies in top ten
manufacturing industry sectors from 2017 to 2021 were selected to explore the
industry differences via the tool of analysis of variation (ANOVA) on China
invention grant patents including the patent quantity, the varying trend of
patent counts, and the capability for differentiating the stock return rate.
The patent count of invention grants well showed the capability of
differentiating the stock return rate for one industry sector, preferably
showed the capability for two industry sectors, fairly showed the capability
for three industry sectors, and partially showed the capability for four
industry sectors. The manufacturing industry sectors with significantly
increased invention grant’s patent count means since 2017 showed higher
relevance to the capability. The manufacturing industry sectors of higher
patent count means also showed higher relevance to the capability. The
manufacturing industry sectors of higher/lower stock return rate means did not
show relevance to the capability. However, every manufacturing industry sector
had its particularity. The industry difference on the invention grant patents
among ten manufacturing industry sectors in China stock market was distinct.
JEL classification numbers: C38, C46, G11, G12.
Keywords: Invention grant patent, ANOVA, Stock return rate,
Manufacturing industry.