Advances in Management and Applied Economics

The Sufficiency Condition Hypotheses in Entrepreneurial Counseling Activities

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  • Abstract

    The aim is to explore sufficiency conditions for entrepreneur personality and entrepreneur resources on entrepreneurial counseling activities. The study collected 228 questionnaires from entrepreneurs in Taiwan and applied a relatively new method, fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fs/QCA) to test the sufficiency proposition of the theory. In a regression analysis, indicating that obvious personality traits have not achieved a significant level at all, Personality traits and entrepreneur resources were all taken into the discussion, indicating that obvious personality traits have not achieved a significant level at all. With regards to the exploration of a moderating variable, the demographic variables, which represent the personality traits, do not have a significant influence on entrepreneurial counseling activities. However, the fs/QCA analysis results show there is high causal relevance of a combination of entrepreneur personality and entrepreneur resources on entrepreneurial counseling. In addition, the combination of entrepreneur personality and demographic variable are the sufficiency condition for entrepreneurial counseling activities. It is notable that entrepreneur resource is a necessary condition for entrepreneurial counseling activities. This study suggests that fs/QCA is a useful method to provide a calculus of compatibility and thus to contribute to an enhanced understanding of entrepreneurial counseling activities.

ISSN: 1792-7552 (Online)
1792-7544 (Print)