Advances in Management and Applied Economics

Submission procedure

Your paper should not have been previously published or be currently under consideration for publication any place else.
Manuscripts should be submitted electronically at:

Please follow the instructions to upload the manuscript, along with any supporting material, and to enter or update your personal details. Manuscripts should be submitted as a single PDF or Doc files. Do not forget to embed all fonts when creating the PDF file and check whether the text, equations, tables, and graphs are displayed correctly when viewing the PDF file on another computer.

In case you might have problems to submit the paper electronically, please send it to:

Manuscript Review Process

After a manuscript is submitted for publication via the electronic submission and management form system available online, the manuscript is checked by the respective executive editor for manuscript completion. The executive editor then assigns the manuscript to two suitable editors/reviewers for an initial blind screening and assessment of the manuscript. At the same time, the executive editor also undertakes a high-level screening of the manuscript. In specific situations (like plagiarism) the executive editor may freeze the review process or even reject the manuscript. In continuation, the two editors/reviewers perform a blind manuscript review, and they provide a peer-review report to the executive editor. The results and the comments of the blind review report are notified to the author(s) by the executive editor. These review comments include as a minimum:

  • A summary with the main comments;
  • Major issues or changes that need attention/action from the author(s);
  • Minor issues or changes that need attention/action from the author(s);
  • Recommendations, stating clearly if the manuscript is rejected, accepted, or needs revision and resubmission.

The review results and comments are anonymous.

In case of “rejection”, the manuscript will not be considered for publication.

In case of “revision and resubmission”, the author(s) will receive a notification by the executive editor with the due date they will need to resubmit the revised manuscript, according to the summary comments received by the reviewers as explained above. When the revised manuscript is resubmitted and received by the executive editor, the revised manuscript is reassigned to the initial two reviewers for a second review.

The results and the comments of the second review report are notified to the author(s) by the executive editor. These review comments include as a minimum:

  • A summary with the main comments;
  • Major issues or changes that need attention/action from the author(s);
  • Minor issues or changes that need attention/action from the author(s);
  • Recommendations, stating clearly if the second manuscript is rejected, accepted, needs further revision and resubmission, or can be published unaltered.

The second review results and comments are anonymous.

If the manuscript is found:

  • to comply with all the requirements of the style of the journal,
  • and to comply with all the review comments received from the reviewers,

can be accepted for publication, and in that case, the executive editor notifies the author(s) for the final acceptance of the final version of the revised manuscript.

Manuscript Preparation

To expedite the review process, please format the manuscript in ways as follow:
1. Prepare your manuscript as a single PDF or MS Word document. The file should include the complete text, references, tables and figures.
2. Manuscripts should be written in English and include a 100-250 word abstract.
3. All references should be numbered in square brackets in the text and listed in the REFERENCES section in the order they appear in the text, as shown below:

Journal Articles:
[1]M. Kosowski, "Measuring and reducing energy consumption of network interfaces in hand-held devices," IEIE Transactions on Communications, vol. E80-B, no. 8, August 1999, pp. 1225-1231.
[2]F. Clarke, J. B. Evita and D. Ledask, "Piconet: Embedded mobile networking," IEEE Personal Communications Magazine, vol. 6, no. 3, October 2006, pp. 18-35.

E-Journal Articles:
[3]S. M. Agarwel and A. Groverad, "Nucleotide Composition and Amino Acid Usage in AT-Rich Hyperthermophilic Species," Open Bioinformatics Journal, Vol. 1, 2004, pp. 18-39.

[4]S. Verdu, "Multi-user detection," Cambridge University Press, 1998.

Conference Proceedings:
[5] L. Claredou and J. Agrem, "Self-organizing distributed sensor networks," Proceedings SPE Conference Unattended Ground Sensor Technologies and Applications, vol. 328, Orlando, April 2003, pp. 239-247.


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Publication Ethics Statement

Publication Ethics
Ethical standards for publication exist to ensure the quality of the scientific publications. All journals published by Scientific Press International are committed to publishing only original manuscripts and work that has neither been published elsewhere (nor is under review elsewhere). So, it is critical to avoid some specific ethical violations (like plagiarism, simultaneous submission, data fabrication, duplicate publication, improper author contribution, citation manipulation)

Plagiarism is deliberately using someone else’s  ideas, or other original material without acknowledging its source and without refer to him/her. Copying even small part ( for example one sentence) from someone else’s manuscript, or even one of your own that has previously been published, without proper citation is considered plagiarism.

2.Simultaneous Submission
Simultaneous submission occurs when a manuscript  is submitted to a journal when it is already under consideration by another journal.

3.Data Fabrication and Falsification
Data fabrication and falsification means the researcher did not actually do the study, but made up the results and had recorded or reported the fabricated information. Data falsification means the researcher did the experiment, but manipulated, changed, or omitted data or results from the research findings. This would lead to public distrust and less willing to provide funding support.

4.Duplicate Publication
Duplicate publication occurs when two or more papers, without full cross referencing, share the same hypotheses, data  and conclusions.

5.Improper Author Contribution
All listed authors must have made a significant contribution to the research in the paper.

6.Citation Manipulation
Citation Manipulation is including excessive citations, in the submitted manuscript, that do not contribute to the content of the article and have been included solely for the purpose of increasing citations to a given author’s work, or to articles published in a particular journal.