The commercialization and dissemination of
knowledge technologies developed in academia have increased the attention of
policy makers as strategic components to support regional socio-economic and
innovative development. The emerging models of the third and fourth university
missions underline the critical function of commercializing the results of
academic research, innovation and entrepreneurship for the growth and
competitiveness of regional areas. This study aims to investigate, both from a
theoretical and empirical point of view, the role of university spin-offs as a
contribution to the socio-economic and innovative development of the regions in
which they are located. To this end, the contributor analyzes a longitudinal
sample of 952 university spin-offs located in 20 Italian administrative
regions. The results from the empirical analysis show that the knowledge and
technological production of the university spin-out process generate an
affective and active role in the regional context, stimulating it innovative
capacities and supporting their socio-economic development.
JEL classification numbers: M21,
O30, O32.
Keywords: University
technology transfer, University spin-offs, Regional economic development, Regional