Advances in Management and Applied Economics

Effect of Supportive Leadership on Job Burnout and Occupational Commitment: The Mediating Role of Intrinsic Motivation

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  • Abstract


    Based on the job demands–resources model, self-determination theory, and social exchange theory, this study examines the influence of supportive leadership on job burnout and occupational commitment. The study also investigates the mediating role of intrinsic motivation. This study collected 221 valid questionnaires from 5 insurance companies in southern Taiwan and applied structural equation modeling using confirmatory factor analysis and bootstrapping to verify the proposed hypotheses. Extensive validation processes are also conducted to verify the fitness of the measurement model. The results confirm that supportive leadership directly affects job burnout and occupational commitment, and that intrinsic motivation significantly mediates the effect of supportive leadership on job burnout and occupational commitment. Finally, the study provides practical insights for researchers and professionals and proposes directions for future research.


    Keywords: Supportive leadership, Intrinsic motivation, Job burnout, Occupational commitment, Taiwan insurance industry.

ISSN: 1792-7552 (Online)
1792-7544 (Print)