The purpose of the study was to analyze the effects of supply
chain management and business innovation on business competitiveness and
performance. Preliminary notes expose a deep historical review of the
theoretical and empirical research addressing the relationships between the
variables that are being subject of study. The empirical study was conducted in
230 manufacturing SMEs located in Mexico and data analysis was performed using
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). For the assessment of the reliability and
validity a Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was applied, using the maximum
likelihood estimation (MLE) with the support of the EQS 6. Main findings
conclude that implementing supply chain management and business innovation
strategies are vital for business competitiveness and performance. At the final
part of this paper, conclusions address the main implications of current
research findings for enterprises and government.
JEL classification numbers: M11, O32.
Keywords: Business Performance, Competitiveness, Innovation, Supply
Chain Management, Mexico.