Advances in Management and Applied Economics

Digital Dependence: Online Game Addiction to Mobile App Purchase Intention Feature

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  • Abstract


    Online mobile gaming in Indonesia is growing rapidly, driving purchase intention towards premium features such as virtual items and exclusive in-game access. This study aims to analyse online mobile game addiction on mobile app feature purchase intention. This type of research uses a quantitative approach, with 426 respondents through an online survey and analysed using Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). The results indicate that addiction has a significant impact on loyalty and purchase intention, while loyalty has no impact on purchase intention, as well as satisfaction on loyalty, and addiction weakens the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty. This study makes an important contribution to understanding the dynamics of online game addiction, player loyalty, and purchase intention of app features in the context of the mobile game market in Indonesia.


    JEL classification numbers: M31, D91, L86, C83.

    Keywords: Online-mobile games, Addiction, Loyalty, Satisfaction, Purchase intention.

ISSN: 1792-7552 (Online)
1792-7544 (Print)