This paper
investigates the impact of change in total population in decomposition of
poverty change in Albania, providing empirical illustrations with data from a
country still in economic and social transition, even if in recent years has
registered a high growth of GDP rate. To quantify the impact of change in total
population, we use the methodology developed by Mishra
(2015). In previous literature decomposing poverty change into growth and
inequality effects, the impact of change in total population concealed by the
hypothesis that the growth effect can be quantified by observing at the growth
rate of mean income. The Mishra’s method considers the population growth as an
independent within-group effect that results different respect to the
inequality and growth effect respectively. Furthermore, this method integrates
that to Son (2003) so that variation in population shares across groups
represents the between-group effect. Thus, we will have three effects: growth
on account of total income, inequality, and change in total population. These
effects can be calculated in multiple possibilities depending on the sequence
that each is computed and the base year.
JEL classification numbers: I30; I32;
Keywords: Poverty, Population, Schwarz's inequality, Triangle inequality