Advances in Management and Applied Economics

The First-person Effect of Green Advertising

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  • Abstract


    Research on people’s perceptions of media effects had been focused on third-person effect of negative information, whereas the first-person effect of positive information was less explored. This paper aims to investigate the drivers of the first-person effect of green advertising and its behavioral consequences. An online questionnaire survey was used to collect data, obtaining 414 valid questionnaires that were analyzed using Partial Least Squares structural equation modeling. The result indicates that (1) the first-person effect existed in green advertising; (2) social desirability, environmental involvement, and advertising involvement had positive impact on the first-person effect, which in turn, led to green supportive behavior. In addition, this study proposes relevant theoretical implications and practical applications, as well as suggests for future research directions.


    JEL classification numbers: M37.

    Keywords: First-person effect, Social desirability, Environmental involvement, Advertising involvement.

ISSN: 1792-7552 (Online)
1792-7544 (Print)